Global Community of Practice

CLX convenes a global community of practice that includes litigants, advocates, academics, and scientific experts involved in tackling the climate emergency. The community was launched at a conference at NYU Law in early 2020, which led to a blog series on rights-based climate litigation, published on OpenGlobalRights. It also resulted in an edited volume on rights-based climate litigation, which will be available for reference by practitioners, litigators, students, and other readers in late 2021.

CLX hosts regular webinars on cutting-edge topics within the human rights and climate change field, including ecocide, rights-based biodiversity litigation, youth-led climate litigation in Europe, and human rights and climate change advocacy in countries ranging from Brazil to India to Antigua and Barbuda. These webinars include an invite-only discussion portion for the community of practice, which provides members with the opportunity to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other.

CLX also hosts workshops to provide strategic support to partner organizations as they pursue climate litigation and other actions. For instance, CLX hosted a workshop in collaboration with the African organization Natural Justice to help strengthen a case they filed, along with Tanzania and Uganda-based organizations, challenging a proposed East Africa oil pipeline.


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