Lucia Monda

Lucia Monda
Legal & Program Manager
Prevention Project

Lucia Monda is Legal & Program Manager for the Prevention Project at the Center, where she manages multiple workstreams: Health and Human Rights; Mental health and Psycho-Social Support; Development, Inequality and Corruption; and Culture.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Law with honors from the University of Naples Federico II and an LL.M. from New York University. At NYU, she was selected for the Transitional Justice Scholar Leadership Program and awarded the prestigious International Law and Human Rights Fellowship.

Her research interests include legal empowerment, gender, and human rights; international humanitarian law and cross-border movement; judicial and non-judicial transitional justice mechanisms, focusing on the Middle East and North Africa.

Lucia has worked in human rights, international criminal law, and transitional justice. She has trained at the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the International Center for Transitional Justice, and the Clooney Foundation for Justice, among other organizations. A common thread in her work experience is a desire to help others access opportunities they may not otherwise have to claim their own power. As she believes nothing affects people’s choices more than armed conflict, she is currently exploring interactions between legal empowerment strategies and transitional justice to contribute to human development.