convening to effect change.

The Center supports and hosts a series of events that bring together the human rights community to share, reflect, and explore tools to advance global justice and human rights.

attend our upcoming events.

Climate Week 2024


Kawsak Sacha Initiative and the Sciences

September 24 | 6:00 p.m.

This NYC Climate Week panel focuses on the Kawsak Sacha Initiative and the exchanges across sciences to protect the Living Forest. Speakers include representatives from the Kawsak Sacha Initiative, the Kichwa Indigenous Peoples of Sarayaku, SPUN, Local Contexts and TERRA, NYU Law.

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Climate Justice & Reparations Image


Can Climate Justice Inform Movements for Reparations for Colonialism and Slavery?

September 27 | 12:30-2:00 p.m.

Focusing on Haiti as an exemplary case, this NYC Climate week talk hosted by the Global Justice Clinic will explore how movements for climate justice and reparations for colonialism and slavery may inform and strengthen one another.


FORGE 2023 Workshop


FORGE Ideas & Actions Workshop

October 8 | 10:00-11:30 a.m.

A small but growing number of Human Rights Education studies demonstrates that HRE can promote respect and encourage advocacy for the rights and dignity of all people. Building from existing efforts, Sandra Sirota will lead a workshop focusing on how might we increasingly integrate human rights education and practical skills-building within school classrooms. 

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FORGE 2025  

March 14-15, 2025 | NYU School of Law, NYC

The FORGE Program is dedicated to uncovering new approaches and solutions that reimagine rights and governance worldwide. With the hope of building momentum toward a brighter future, FORGE 2025 will amplify the cross-thematic conversation by inviting a small group of practitioners from across these thematic interests to be in conversation and discussion within the same room. The full two-day program will be hosted for an intimate gathering of 40 participants, with the afternoon programming open to the public.


Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Earthly Flourishing Conference 

March 12-14, 2025 | NYU School of Law, NYC

A fruitful discussion of the rights of nature – or, as we propose to call them, more-than-human rights – needs to consider a broad range of knowledges and practices. This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars and practitioners from diverse fields and disciplinary backgrounds, including the social sciences, law, natural sciences, philosophy and the arts, to explore the concept of more-than-human rights from various angles.

explore past events.



FORGE 2023 playlist

This global gathering of scholars, practitioners, artists, scientists, lawyers, policy makers, among others, differed from panel-based conventional conferences by creating spaces to actively share ideas and develop experiments for change that could transform the fields of global rights and justice. 

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Transformer States playlist

This series explores the digital transformation of the State and its impacts on the lives and rights of individuals, through in-depth interviews with practitioners and academics working on digital government and through blog posts by practitioners and scholars.

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CLX Series

Working with scholars, activists, and litigants from around the world, Climate Law Accelerator initiates and supports efforts that build the speed and scale necessary to spur action on the climate emergency within the limited timeframe left to avoid triggering extreme scenarios of global warming.

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Emilio Mignone series on transitional justice.

In partnership with the International Center for Transitional Justice, the Center hosts this series providing a platform for distinguished speakers to discuss significant developments in the field. This lecture honors Emilio Fermín Mignone, a dedicated human rights advocate and leader.

  • Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
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  • Philip Alston, New York University
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  • President Juan Manuel Santos, former president of Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
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  • Pablo de Greiff, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence
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  • Sherrilyn Ifill, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • Darren Walker, Ford Foundation

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  •  Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Right
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  • Judge Thomas Buergenthal, Inter-American Court of Human Rights
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  • Hossam Bahgat, prominent activist in the Egyptian revolution
  • Helen Clark, UN Development Programme  

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  • Hon. Richard Goldstone, Constitutional Court of South Africa
  • Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict

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  • Cristina Fernandes de Kirchner, Senator, and subsequently President of Argentina
  • Judge Baltasar Garzón, Investigating Magistrate of Spain 

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  • Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 
  • José Zalaquett, former deputy Secretary-General of Amnesty International