This resources hub is designed to centralize our action-oriented, cutting-edge, multimedia research, and materials leveraging decades of experience and expertise in the field.
The Earth Rights Research & Action
MOTH Book – An Ecology of Law, Thought and Narrative for Earthly Flourishing
César Rodríguez-Garavito (ed.)
Global Justice Clinic
Bay Kou Bliye, Pote Mak Sonje: Climate Injustice in Haiti and the Case for Reparations
A new report in collaboration with Haitian social movement organizations, illuminates the crisis of climate injustice in Haiti.
project-related websites.

Global Justice Clinic
Ayiti Kanpe Min: Mining Free Haiti
Browse resources in English or Kréyol; a product of nearly ten years of collaboration between the Global Justice Clinic and Kolektif Jistis Min (Justice Mining Collective, KJM).
Resources by issue areas | Human Rights | Environmental risks | Corruption and governance risks | Myth of economic benefits

The Earth Rights Research & Action
Climate Law Accelerator (CLX)
Browse resources to catalyze the legal strategies, tools, and ideas needed to secure urgent and ambitious climate action.
Publications | Legal actions | Casebook | Strategies | Glossary | Case database | Educational videos

The Earth Rights Research & Action
Podcast – Crossing the River
Listen to a podcast in which we hear from Indigenous leaders that defend life on earth every day. Episodes recorded in their own words, because they are the protagonists of their stories.

The Earth Rights Research & Action
More Than Human Life (MOTH)
Browse resources that are interdisciplinary and dedicated to advance the rights and well-being of humans, non-humans, and the web of life.

The Earth Rights Research & Action
Right to a Healthy Environment (R2HE) Toolkit
Browse resources documenting and analyzing trends and developments in the implementation of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
Case database | Map view | Casebook including Elements, Strategies, Good Practices and Glossary | Publications | Country search

Technology and Human Rights
Transformer States
Browse resources part of a repository generated through in-depth interviews with practitioners or academics undertaking cutting-edge research or advocacy on the digital transformation of government.
Case studies | Youtube playlist | Summary blogs | Transcripts | Additional reading materials
Open Global Rights
Open Global Rights is an independent platform for analysis and opinion on international human rights issues, hosted by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice and the Future of Rights Program at NYU School of Law.
- Racial justice, climate justice, and reparations: Haiti as an exemplary case (2025)
- Listening to the more-than-human world: Legal & ethical principles for nonhuman animal communication technologies (2024)
- Can judges help save the planet? Landmark court decisions on the right to a healthy environment (2024)
- Are Rights of Nature Working? The Impact of the Los Cedros Ruling in Ecuador (2024)
- State-owned carbon majors should face loss and damage litigation (2024)
- Blind spots in climate funding: Island colonies go overlooked (2024)
- Anti-green authoritarianism: Democratic backsliding on a heating planet (2023)
- ChatGPT: What’s left of the human in human rights? (2023)
- More than human rights: What can we learn from trees, animals, and fungi? (2022)
- The doughnut approach: how to climatize human rights (2021)
- Litigation in Ireland’s Supreme Court may condemn inaction on climate change (2020)
- Fiscal policy is key to achieving SDGs and avoiding “climate apartheid” (2019)
- Going back to move forward (2025)
- The human rights of human resources: Workplace justice in Lebanon (2024)
- A new human rights education program to promote civic engagement: Human Rights Close to Home (2024)
- Expanding beyond the human in public engagement (2024)
- Human rights live at home: A primer on remedies (2024)
- Reimagining human rights for the Global South (2024)
- The right to direct budgeting: Using human rights to fund Indigenous self-governance (2024)
- Land as a lens for future-facing human rights advocacy (2024)
- Decomposing as a social process (2024)
- The business case for human rights? Why financial risk is a dangerous argument (2024)
- “Nothing about us without us”: People on the move interrogate border tech with the Migration and Technology Monitor (2024)
- The criminalization of human rights (2024)
- Human Rights at 75: The End of Endism (2023)
- Teaching human rights today (2024)
- The (science) fiction of human rights (2022)
- Critical legal empowerment for human rights (2021)
- Solidarity in the fight for justice: partnerships to oppose extractivism in Haiti (2020)
- In a world of radical inequality, solidarity is a cornerstone of justice (2020)
- In Haiti, legal empowerment is resistance against exploitation (2018)
- Evidence of trauma: the impact of human rights work on advocates (2017)
- Participatory baseline water study improves scientific data and strengthens community power (2022)
- New and inclusive measuring needed for SDG promise of access to justice for all (2019)
- Stealth privatization: Kenya’s approach to universal health coverage is a private sector giveaway (2022)
- Phantom rights: the systemic marginalization of economic and social rights (2016)
- Extreme inequality as the antithesis of human rights (2015)
- Human rights, prevention, and peace (2024)
- Human rights gateway or gatekeeper: Digital IDs on trial in Uganda (2023)
- Hollow rights victories? Dutch struggles against digital injustice (2022)
- Landmark judgment from the Netherlands on digital welfare states and human rights (2020)
- What the “digital welfare state” really means for human rights (2020)
episodes & playlists.
Featuring talks by FORGE speakers who share ideas and develop experiments for change that could transform the fields of global rights and justice
Podcast – Crossing the River ▸
Hear from Indigenous leaders that defend life on earth every day. Episodes recorded in their own words, because they are the protagonists of their stories.
Educational webinars with leading experts, practitioners, and advocates on key climate law issues.
Episodes of in-depth interviews with practitioners or academics undertaking cutting-edge research or advocacy on the digital transformation of government.