join our global initiatives.
Collaboration and interdisciplinary engagement are at the core of the initiatives and efforts pursued by the Center, including through our legal clinics. We work with partners around the world, in both the Global South and North, and across traditional disciplinary divides, collaborating closely with scientists, Indigenous communities, social movements, research centers, human rights and environmental NGOs, international organizations, and beyond.
In addition to providing a venue for ideation and global connection, the Center actively pursues policy and legal change and advances original and impactful responses to existential challenges to human rights.
You can learn more about ongoing experiments of change on our FORGE program page.
Leveraging its two decades of experience and expertise in training current and future human rights practitioners and advocates, the Center provides high-quality, action-oriented in-person and online trainings, workshops, and courses for lawyers, judges, and activists on key issues in human rights litigation and advocacy.
Students choose New York University for its top tier international law program, including its human rights programs and academic offerings. In their work with the Center, students engage in human rights evidence gathering and investigation, cross-disciplinary research, social movement lawyering, strategic litigation, and advocacy, all in close partnership with advocates located domestically and around the world.
Students looking to engage with the Center can learn about these opportunities on our Students page.
Human rights organizations and institutions are encouraged to host our students through the International Law and Human Rights Fellowship program.
The Center is deeply committed to fortifying and injecting forward-looking perspectives into global justice work by training a new and more diverse generation of human rights and global justice leaders, including through its well-established global residency programs.
Activist-researchers, scholars, and practitioners who are interested in opportunities to connect and engage with the Center can learn about our residency programs.
The Center prides itself on its NYU Law alumni community and their meaningful contributions to the human rights project.
Alumni seeking to engage with ongoing events and opportunities can stay connected and learn more about how to build meaningful mentorships by joining the LinkedIn alumni group.

support our efforts
Housed at New York University School of Law, the Center benefits from the substantial academic, intellectual, and other resources for which the University is known, including generous overhead, operational, and staff support. To sustain its programmatic activities, the Center relies on external funding sources, including institutions or foundations and gifts from individuals.
Your financial support can be applied directly to a particular area of work at the Center. Among other things, these funds go toward supporting our global research and advocacy with partners, including the preparation of groundbreaking reports, collaborative legal actions on pressing human rights challenges, and convenings and trainings that help sustain the field.